Sunday, September 1, 2013

It takes work

I need to take just a quick moment to talk about something bothering me. Lately I have noticed a lot of pictures floating around on facebook of easy ways to loose weight and feel great. Most of them show a before and after picture of a female stating " Lose 30lbs in 30 days with out exercise and diet" Of course the after picture is a woman half the size of the before picture with muscle tone and a big smile. The picture plus the promise make what ever this facebook post is selling tempting for any female or male to look into and possibly invest. This is the point that I want to yell STOP! Please stop! Please don't waste a penny on anymore fad diets! They will give you quick results as promised. What you will also get that is not mentioned in the promise is a quick return of the weight lost plus an added bonus of a couple of pounds (it's our bodies way of punishing us for putting it through a stupid fad diet).

With diet and exercise the old saying rings true "Anything worth having is worth working for" another one I love is "If it's to good to be true it is" I took a weight lifting class in 9th grade on the first day of class the teacher told us "When it comes to working out if the word EASY is attached it is not a real work out" (I think that is the only thing I learned in 9th grade)

Here is the promise I have for you. For the best results and the right results Healthy eating and Exercise need to become a lifestyle. This is not an easy thing. This does not happen over night. This will take work and time. There will be a lot of trial and error to find what works for you and your family. You will be healthier. Your blood pressure and heart rate will reach healthy levels. You will have energy! You will be able to play in the backyard with your children. You will look forward to going on a hike or to the beach. You will feel strong and confident. Your results will be permanent! The weight will stay off! You will feel good and happy!

Of course no promise is complete with out a before and after picture. Here is the before and after a work out picture! The right kind of before and after. This is the picture of before and after a very intense work out. One that I had to push hard to get through. I had to dig deep and remind myself that "I can do hard things" this was a workout that made me sweat and this was a work out that gave me results, made me feel good about myself and that I enjoyed. I promise that this is the type of before and after picture that shows you a healthy way to loose weight, feel great and stay that way!

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